Ms. Chantel Fabiano « Teacher Connection / Documents / Calendar
Ms. Fabiano's 6th Grade World History Room 120
Study the past to define the future - Confucious
Welcome to 6th grade World History.
Please make sure your child has their lanyard, plug in headphones/earbuds, and a charged chromebook with them everyday. Also, don't forget to check your child's Skyward for grades and assignments.The link to my Syllabus is below under the calendar.
I hope you find the information below helpful.
Chantel Fabiano
Sixth Grade World History: Students will focus on World History beginning around 8000 B.C. up to A.D. 1500. We will begin our studies by discussing what historians do and the influences geography has on the way people live. Next, we will delve into the early ages, starting with early humans, Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, the Israelites, Ancient Greece, Ancient India, early China, and Roman Civilization,
Google Classroom: Classes will receive their Google Classroom code the first week in class.
Classwork: Assignments will be posted daily on my Google Classroom for students and Teacher Connection page for parents to view Monday of each week.
TEXTBOOK: World History Voices and Perspectives
PUBLISHER: McGraw - Hill
Students can now log into Clever and click the Online Textbook "World History"; the app looks like this for 6th grade.
6th Grade Curriculum
TOPIC 1: Early Humans and the Agricultural Revolution
TOPIC 2: The Fertile Crescent
TOPIC 3: Ancient Egypt and Kush
TOPIC 4: The Israelites
TOPIC 5: Ancient Greece
TOPIC 6: Ancient South Asia
TOPIC 7: Early China, Korea, and Japan
TOPIC 8: Ancient Rome
TOPIC 9: Imperial China
Students’ grades will be determined by using the following categories and percentages:
Practice -- 30% Performance (Mastery) -- 70%
Grading Scale: A (90-100) B (80-89) C (70-79) D (60-69) F (0-59)
Make-up Work:
Absent students should check google classroom and the teacher connection website for make-up work. It is the student’s responsibility to complete classwork missed, turn in homework or, to request to take a missed test the day of their return from the absence.
Late Work:
Students are expected to complete all assignments and submit them on or before the day it is due. Any work submitted the day after it was due will earn, at best, a score of 60%. Work submitted two or more days after the due date will not be accepted.
Absence Work:
Students will receive the number of days absent plus one additional day to complete make-up work.
PDF documents
6th Grade Supply List -
6th Grade Syllabus -
8th Grade Supply List -
8th Grade Syllabus -
Classroom Library -